About Us

How & why BodyChargers.com is focusing on bringing the future of healthcare to people worldwide - 24/7, at home in their pocket.

Problem We Solve

Traditional medicine is not designed to find and heal the root cause of complex health challenges

Our Mission

To revolutionize health care by challenging the status quo of today's antiqued "sickcare" system

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Our Principles


Results Oriented

Our number one care is patient results.  It is why we are constantly bringing new equipment and treatment options into the fold.  Use the right tool, for the right person, and the right time and the outcomes you want will be there.  No one size fits all here, to get results it has to be custom tailored to what the individual needs.


Solution Focused

No band-aids on bullet wounds. Most medical care just focuses on managing symptoms without ever trying to get to the actual cause of the problem. Just like if you see “get rich quick” schemes on the internet, the same applies in healthcare. Getting to the cause is more involved, but it is a complete job. Not only are you better short term, but long term as well.



Sometimes natural care gets thought of like voodoo magic. But to the contrary, all things that we do are hardcore backed in science. Science has come a massively long way to understanding more about how the human body works and how we can help it stay or restore health. There is always a reason why things happen, cause and effect.


Innovate Impossible

If it doesn’t exist, then we look for a way to create it. “It’s never been done before…” is an opportunity to create new value in a way thats it has never been produced.

Dr. Chris Cormier, D.C.

Why Did I Create BodyChargers.com?

When I chose to follow my calling and go into healthcare, I took an oath to help people to the best of my ability very seriously. This means I have to constantly research and study to find the best things for the human body. It’s my job to provide you with an instruction manual for the human body. I’ve spent thousands of hours of studying to form my current opinions, and I’m not going to stop searching.


You have questions... we have answers!

Still have questions?

Reach out and send us a message if you have anymore questions about our BodyChargers devices.

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Ready To Get Charged Up?

Get Your BodyChargers device today!